Interdecal History
July 1995: JA Miniatures creation : production and sale of scale models
January 1996: Addition of “Interdecal” in the name of the entreprise and delivery of a silkscreen machine to print decals at home.
January 1996: First decals sent to our first clients.
Febuary 1996: First foreign customer.
April 1996: First topic decal sheet.
Febuary 1997: Purchase of all necessary equipment to prepare our screens.
October 1998: First CAD decal sheet.
November 2000: Moving the screen processing equipment to Sommières workshop.
August 2001: Moving the screen printing equipment to Sommieres workshop.
September 2002: Flood in Sommières, the workshop is in 50cm of mud.
March/April 2005: Production of 1200 chromium plated decals for Renaissance (Spiderman motorbike
August 2012: Screen printing training of one “Tin Wizard Modelcars” engineer
December 2012: Transfer of all the equipment and consumables to Germany, set up and first test print
January 2013: Decals are now produced in the new workshop of Schriesheim
August 2013: Purchase of new and stronger precision screenprintingframes to improve the quality again